Asian Championship in Bangkok has drawn record participation

A record Registration Entry of over 500 athletes from 30 countries have registered for the Asian Championship, which encompasses five martial art disciplines, to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, from February 25-28.

The five disciplines are Jiu-Jitsu, Fighting, Contact, Show and Duo. The event is the biggest in terms of both the number of athletes and countries participating in the history of the Asian Championship.

With three days left for the registrations to close, there is still time for those who may want to join the championship to register and make this championship even bigger.

The opening ceremony will be held on February 25, followed by the General Assembly on 26 and also includes Anti-Doping and Refereeing courses during 23 and 24 of February.

HE Abdulmunem Al Hashemi, President of the Jiu-Jitsu Asian Union and Asia Executive Board, along with the President of Ju Jitsu International Federation Mr. Panagiotis Theodoropoulos and a representative from the Olympic Committee of Asia, will be present at the championship.