Athlete support Personnel and Others

Under the Ju Jitsu Anti-Doping rules and WADA Code athlete support personnel (ASP) and others shall be aware of strict liability and their Anti-Doping role and responsibilities as per the code article as followings:

Athlete support personnel (ASP)

21.1 To be knowledgeable of and comply with these Anti-Doping Rules.

21.2 To cooperate with the Athlete Testing program.

21.3 To use their influence on Athlete values and behavior to foster anti-doping attitudes.

21.4 To disclose to JJIF and their National Anti-Doping Organization any decision by a non-Signatory finding that they committed an anti-doping rule violation within the previous ten (10) years.

21.5 To cooperate with Anti-Doping Organizations investigating anti-doping rule violations.

21.6 Athlete Support Personnel shall not Use or Possess any Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method without valid justification.

21.7 To refrain from committing any offensive act towards a Doping Control official or other Person involved in Doping Control by Athlete Support Personnel, which does not otherwise constitute Tampering. This shall constitute a misconduct and the Athlete Support Personnel shall be liable to the following consequences depending on the seriousness of the act: (1) warning, (2) fine not exceeding USD 2500, and (3) a suspension not exceeding two years. Articles 8 and 12.4 above shall apply in respect of such a case such that such misconduct shall, for the purposes of Articles 8 and 12.4, be deemed to be an ADRV.