Referee development program is partnership between Asian Federation and the National Federation members to qualify local referees and help them to reach an international level, plus, offer to our members the best professional staff to their events, supporting with seminars and referees.

We are mapping regional and national events and mapping the JJAU officials/referees around there. So, for any Ju Jitsu activities, the countries members can request support from JJAU, to have seminars or referees, to bring the event to the highest standard as possible. Itā€™s a win-win situation:

  • The JJAU team gains experience.
  • They aid in the development of the local teams.
  • They gain knowledge as “primary referees,” which entails greater responsibility.
  • The local organizers have professionals at their event, as they would not typically have.

Any National Federation member can request seminars or referees for their events.

Events done in partnership with the NFā€™s in the beginning of the year:

Mongolia National Championship 2023

Competition was held in one day in the most modern venue in the country, Steppe Arena, which is a modern ice-skating stadium, the area is quite large and attractive

On Thursday 26th January 2023 Mr Alexandre Nascimento, JJAU Head RefereeĀ  run an official referee course, on Mr. Odsurenā€™s academy (Garuda). They had 25 participants, during the event 11 of them worked as referee and were approved to get the international license and four of them upgraded their license from Continental C to Continental B. In addition, there are 3 female referees, which is an advantage for us in the future for gender equality as per the request of IOC.

Three referees from JJAU Referee Program came to the event and gave their best performance in the competition days. They also served as a good example and thought the local team to perform according to the international standard of referees.

KSA National Championship 2023

Similar to the seminar in Mongolia, JJAU provided the international referees, Mr Hamdam AlBolushi (UAE) and Mr Seena Monfaredi (Bahrain)

One local referee was trained from the Saudi Ju Jitsu Federation, and the JJAU referees assisted him during the competition.

Uzbequistan Rules Seminar

The third event of the month was a seminar for Jiu Jitsu Federation of Uzbekistan. Ā JJAU pointed Mr. Aslan Ospanov, from Kazakhstan to run the seminar which has 30 participants.